Sunday, February 8, 2009

breakfast ... 15/365

breakfast ...
/ˈbrɛkfəst/ –noun
the first meal of the day; morning meal

... not the most asthetically pleasing picture ... but a memory ... and that's really what's important, no? ... a crepe being made in a crepe pan that was given to me on my birthday by a best(est) friend ... following a conversation weeks prior in which i noted (in passing) a desire for a crepe pan ... and that is the sign of a true friend ... remembering a small detail and fulfilling a wish ... the picture of the finished crepes complete with strawberries and whip cream would have been much prettier ... but disappeared much too fast.


Shangrila said...

I love the simple lines in this pic-very peaceful!

Chesney said...

I actually like the picture - love the black and white and simplicity of the image - really gives it that timeless "memory" look!

BobbieCoughlin said...

You've brought out what's special in an ordinary moment. I'd love to have breakfast at your house after seeing that photo.

DART said...

neat pic that will remind you of your friend and of your yummy breakfast --- the rest us, well, we can all visualize the prettiness of what you created!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

What time should we arrive so as not to appear anxious but be in time to join in, Yum Yum Yum.

barbs said...

I can only echo the comments above. Nice work - photo and crepe. This is my first view of your site - love it!!

Lorri said...

Great way to capture an ordinary moment; even better that you were able to create a photo memory of the gift of an extraordinary friend.

mljrbg said...

Sorry I missed the crepes!! Great B&W photograph.

Sunny said...

Breakfast sounds wonderful, no wonder there wasn't time to get a photo of the finished, filled crepes. Works great in B&W.

Anonymous said...

I like the lines and the curve of the pan, lovely shot...

Anonymous said...

I love the composition and coloring and I really love that your bestest friend remembered something said in passing and surprised you with it!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you shot this at an angle and the crop is pleasing too. Great choice for b&w!