Wednesday, April 8, 2009

on the road ...

on the road ...
/ɔn ðə roʊd/
so as to be or remain supported by a long, narrow stretch with a smoothed or paved surface, made for traveling by motor vehicle, carriage, etc., between two or more points; street or highway.

... on the road ... i love how little cora looks here ...


Anonymous said...

This is a very nice photo. I like the little bit of color on her coat.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

The Absolute CUTE photo of today and maybe the Month. Sally and I agree that this is beautiful. It seems to indicate that a yearning for the open road is maybe something we are born with. Thank You for this.

Chesney said...

One of my favorites of your work! This is darling!

Anonymous said...

This is a stunning capture! The only color is the Cora and her apparel. She appears to be anticipating either her journey, or someone to appear down that long road. I'd take out that tower and then print and hang this for all to see. It is magnificent!

MevetS said...

She's got her whole life out there. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

This is just fantastic. One can read so much and hope so much for the one step she is taking.

DART said...

looks like a LONG way down the road when your strides are that small!